Bracelets have been used as accessories, status symbols, and protective armbands for centuries! Whether you're new to women's gold bracelets or a seasoned enthusiast, our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know. Learn how to personalize, measure, wear, care for, and clean your beautiful accessories. WHY ARE BRACELETS A POPULAR JEWELLERY ITEM? Bracelets are popular because they are incredibly versatile and timeless and can be utilized for any occasion. Bracelets are more than just fashion accessories they represent your style and personality. Some cultures believe bracelets can provide you with good luck and even protection from negative energy. And surely you’ve had a friendship bracelet at one point in life? That’s right; bracelets can represent many different feelings and ideas, from friendship to showing your support for a movement. One person may prefer a simple, minimalist bracelet to complement their outfit. At the same time, another person may opt for a...